Saturday, December 8, 2012

Caption that picture #2 and winners!

Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!!
So, thank you to all those who participated in the first ever caption that picture! Even if you didn't win, please don't be discouraged.They were all so hilarious and it was super hard picking just three. They were all awesome!  Comment below telling me what doll you would like to have on your award (remember I can check if you took part in this or not, and if you didn't, please don't lie and tell me your award) So Congrats........................................................

Courtney's Caption:

Alyssa: I think I'm stuck.

Julie: Well then get unstuck.

*Julie walks away*

Alyssa:Julie. Wait. Don't. Lea... Oh well she is gone now.

*Alyssa gives Caroline the look*

Caroline: No way sista!

The Honorable Mentions are:
Julie;And Caroline felt the cool wind on her face...
Alyssa;go on and..
Julie and suddenly the wind picked up...
Alyssa;What did you say?
Julie;and suddenly..
Alyssa;I cant hear you Julie!! speak up!
Julie;are you going deaf?
Alyssa;No just putting on a sweater 
Julie; so i just read the entier Caroline book for no one?
Mini Caroline Your reading it for me!
Julie and Alyssa; What did you just say??
Mini caroline; your reading it for me!
julie and alyssa both pass out in shock
Mini Caroline Mwahahaha now i get to raid the room!!!
Alyssa: Julie, a little help here!
Julie: *absorbed in reading* Uh-huh...
Alyssa: JULIE!!!!!
Julie: I know Alyssa, I know...
Alyssa: ARGH!!!
Caroline: *thinking* I can help her! *runs at the speed of light and pulls the poncho of Alyssa*
Alyssa: Wow, thanks Julie that was really fast!
Julie: Uh-huh...
Caroline: *thinking* The humans would never even DREAM it was me! :(

Here is the second caption that picture!
What do you think Chrissa, Hannah, Goldie, Gator, quack, or brownie (or all, or a few) are thinking or saying?
You can make your caption, as funny or creative as you want, but nothing rude or mean, the same rules like before.


PS. Please comment telling me the doll you want on your award if you PARTICAPATED in the first ever caption that picture! Not only if you won and if you want a mag, please tell me her exact look, I don't know numbers.
PPS. Chrissa is not smaller than Hannah. She just looks like that in the picture


  1. Congrats Courtney! I don't care what award I get, you can pick!

  2. Hannah: *pushes Chrissa slightly* Um, ok Chrissa, you love dogs, you can go first!
    Chrissa: Uh, no thank you.
    Goldie: Grrrrr...
    Hannah: Maybe Goldies friendly! Here Goldie, c'mon, we're not gonna hurt you cutie!
    Goldie: RAARRRRRRRR!!!
    Chrissa: Hahaha, you know, I don't really want a snack anymore, lets go to humans bedroom and raid it!
    Hannah: Ok! Great idea!
    Chrissa: *turns and stops in her tracks* Um, you know what Hannah, you can go first this time...
    Hannah: Ok whatev- *shrieks* THE GATOR!!!
    Chrissa: You said ok!
    Hannah: N-n-no I take it back.
    Chrissa: No take-backs!
    Hannah: Well, why don't we go post on human's blog?
    Chrissa: Ok!
    Hannah: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It's Brownie!
    Chrissa: Ugh, I've had enough. Here Brownie, come here.
    *Brownie comes*
    Chrissa: Here Goldie, Gator, and Quack!
    *Everybody goes to the kitchen for a snack*

    Hannah: Ummm... Happy birthday?
    Chrissa: You watched "We Bought A Zoo" again, didn't you?
    Hannah: Yeah, but I kind of was playing "We Bought Animals and Put Them in Chrissa's Bedroom".
    Chrissa: *facepalm*

  4. Chrissa: You didn't happen to tell Kanani you would pet sit again?
    Hannah: Ummm
    Chrissa: HANNAH
    Hannah: Well she said she would give me a free Snow Cone!
    Chrissa: Uggggggggh

  5. Please people who particapted in the first one, please tell me what doll you want on your award!!!!!! and if you dont care, than write I don't care, pick one yourself, or something like that! THANK YOU AND PLEASE I NEED MORE CAPTIONS!
