Saturday, January 12, 2013

Late photostories and a little more

So, I just had to say, that I am super sorry for not posting that long. I have ten followers, which I am thankful for.
Thank you
American girl dolls rock
Dakota and Grace
Ur awesome guys!

Well, things have been really hectic because I was super busy with school and everything, but here are two photostories that were long forgotten. PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND COMMENT!!!!!!! I feel like no one is taking the time to comment after it takes so long to make a post. Please, someone comment on Hannah's photo shoot, and on what I think of Saige and new things, AND what I think of each historical. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! :((

SO, here they are

Decorating The Tree

It was a cold winter afternoon, and the girls decided it was time to decorate the tree. This year, the theme was "home made" because most of the decorations were made by them.
Alyssa and Chrissa started straitening out the branches, because the tree was all weird after being in the basement for a year!

Hannah and Julie fixed the lights, so they could put them on. Putting the lights on the tree was always the oldest girls job.
A help me, cried Julie and she got tangled in the lights. Hannah giggles and went over to help her.

While Hannah was untangling Julie, Anna and Emily decided to play with the two ginger bread ornaments. "That's what you get for asking four year old's to decorate the tree." Chrissa mumbled, picking up the cranberries.
Finally, Julie was free, so with Hannah, she put on the lights, spreading them apart, so they wouldn't look weird.

Then as the girls finished putting the lights on, Dell came with the popcorn.
The girl started putting the cranberries and the popcorn along with the ornaments on the tree, chatting about what they would like for X-mas, and how they though it was funny they were all in their pj's. Hannah then asked Dell why she was in her clothes and Dell answered that she was organizing her room that day, and wanted to be in her clothes.
Finally after the tree was done, it was time to put on the star.
"Hey, but who will do it if we have 2 new people??" Emily asked. 
Chrissa went pale. "But Emily, Caroline is a- OW" She began but stopped when Hannah jabbed her in the rib.
"Okay, Dell you'll put the star, and Caroline will light the lights." Hannah said, and Chrissa looked at her surprised. "I'll go up to Caroline, say loudly, hurry up Caro, and then swipe my hand across the switch!" She whispered smartly. Chrissa nodded. 
Alyssa helped Dell get on the chair and put the star on the tree. 
Then the girls got off and just as planned, Hannah went to the doll by the switch and completed her plan. All the girls gasped.
 The tree looked beautiful. The girls all settled around it and started singing "Oh Christmas Tree" Smiling and hoping for a good Christmas.

Hope you enjoyed that one, here is one more!

It's here!!!

It was Christmas morning and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except for Alyssa! Alyssa woke up eagerly and looked around. It was Christmas Morning! She didn't care that her hair was messy and that she looked a sight, so she ran to wake all her sisters up!
Alyssa woke up Dell, her 9 year old sister first. Dell looked around her room and then pulled her hair out of the buns that she'd been keeping them in for weeks. Finally she had curly hair!
Soon, all the girls were sitting by the tree, marveling at the presents.

They started passing around presents, until each girl had her present in front of her.Then, just like every year, they started guessing what they got. The girl that would wait longest won some candy.
I can't do this anymore, Emily thought and tore open the pink paper. She screamed in delight at her present. A rapunzel doll, a hello kitty figurine, a stuffed toy rabbit and a book. How fun!
Anna couldn't do it either. She ripped the paper to find a stuffed toy bear, a plush dog, a book and a hello kitty figurine. She couldn't stop smiling.

"I wan't candy, but I have to see my presents!" Chrissa thought, and anxiously ripped the paper of the smallest package. A stress ball! She shouted. Then she opened the two other packages. A deck of cards to practice my magic tricks and four books! Yay!
Alyssa opened her presents next. "Two AG magazine's, a bracelet, and a whole set of lego friends to add to my collection!" She screeched, trying on the bracelet and paging through the magazine's.

Dell couldn't hold it any longer. She looked at her smaller package the one with the note. It said "Dear Dell, since you know that I want you to save up yourself, here is a doll while you earn your money. Love, Dad" Dell smiled. Her dad had sent a present all the way from Kentucky. She opened the package and grinned.
She's so cute! She thought to herself, admiring the funny little doll. Then Dell opened her next package.
Look, it's two tunics and a army hat! She shouted in delight, looking at Alyssa. Her sister smiled. "Go try one on!" She encouraged, so Dell did.
Dell smiled at herself in the mirror, and then went back to the girls.

Julie was opening her package. "Oh my gosh, an AG doll!!!!!"" She shouted loudly. Now I don't have to borrow from my friend, she thought. The girls all congratulated her, and then Julie started reading her book.

Hannah knew she had won the candy, so eagerly she tore the paper of her packages. "An ag doll!!!!!!!!!!!!! She screamed and started stroking her dolls hair. Julie smiled at Hannah, and together they started talking about how excited they were.

Later, after the girls had eaten breakfast and cleaned up the mess by the tree, they all started playing with their presents. They were so happy.
You know what, Hannah said loudly. This is probably one of the best Christmases ever! And all the girls agreed.

My dolls and I wish you a LATE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, check out Del's new blog, all about her life!


  1. Awww! what great photostories! I loved them! And can you check out my blogs, and

  2. Wow, I liked the photoshoots. You are an awesome photostory maker! My blog is Please check it out!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love the photo storys! and it's a cool way to show what they got too.
