Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goodbye Anna and Emily

So, I decided to sell my bitty twins.
 I'm sad to say goodbye to them, but I never used them.
I already started making the add to sell them, and am ready to say goodbye. I loved them, but I know that some little girl will love them even more. Instead, one day in my house, two new dollies will come.
Oh, and I forgot, I can't get two dolls this summer, because I won't have money for accesories. The dolls on my list, "Leah", Saige, or.... Caroline.
So that's what I have to say, here are some final pictures!

Oh...okay, pictures don't work, so I'll post them a different time.

So, if you could, it would be awesome you if you could tell me if I should get Leah, Saige or Caroline. It would help, even though seeing them in real life will help the most!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for voting if you ever did!!!!!!!!!!


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