Friday, July 11, 2014

Long time no post

Hellllllllloooooooooo everybody!!! How long has it been???? I don't know.
Anyways, I think this will be a long post :P. But thats okay right???
Isabelle. Isabelle's sparkle dress. Saige's Sparkle Dress. Ring a bell???? Why did they use the same name.
My summer wishlist. Aaaaaahhhh. Oh yes, I will be going to an ag store some time this summer. With that, of course, comes a wishlist. Everything I want or like. So here it is :).
-Isabelle's Sparkle Dress $36
-Sparkly Camp Outfit $30
-Sunny Isle Outfit $28
-Isabelle's Metallic Dress $34
-Isabelle's Coral Sweater $14
-Isabelle's Funky Leggings $12
-Tropical Bloom Outfit $28
-Isabelle's Makeup Set $36
-Doodle Backpack Set $28
-Aqua Earring Tree $10
-Lime Glasses $10
-Feel-Better Kit $30
-Healthy Smile Set $14
-Jewel Highlights Set $15
-Science Lab Set $36
That is it. Of course I will probably end up crossing things off and adding other things. I would love to hear what you guys think about these items and also with the outfits and other things how they look or go with Saige. Well thanks for reading this post. Comment if you want me to do a haul of everything I get. It will be in a really long time but still. Okay Bye!