Saturday, January 4, 2014

GOTY Collage

Hi everyone
With every new year comes a new doll. I made collages of all the gotys and their collection to honor the previous ones.
To get started, we have Lindsey Bergman:
The next doll is Kailey Hopkins:
The next doll was Marisol Luna:
The next doll was Jess McConnell:
The next doll was Nicki Fleming:
The next doll was Mia St. Clair:
The next goty was Chrissa Maxwell, Sonali and Gwen:
The next doll was Lanie Holland:
The next doll was Kanani Akina:
The next doll was McKenna Brooks:
The next doll, and my personal favorite, Saige Copeland:
I hope you guys enjoyed:) I didn't make one of Isabelle because they might make outfits for her later in the year like Saige's tunic outfit.

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